Water Quality Assessment and Determining the Carrying Capacity of Pollution Load Batang Kuranji River

 Water Quality Assessment and Determining the Carrying Capacity of Pollution Load Batang Kuranji River
Indang Dewata, Zul Adri, 2011.

This study aims to determine the water quality and carrying capacity of pollution load Batang Kuranji River in the headwaters, middle, and downstream. This research is descriptive quantitative parameters of pH, BOD, COD, TSS, and DO. Depictions of river water quality refer to Regulation No. 82 / 2001, while the determination of carrying capacity of pollution load river refers to the KepMenLH Number 110 / 2003.
The result is Kuranji Batang River water quality upstream region included in either category who meet the quality standard first class of PP 82 / 2001. TSS concentrations at the headwaters of 21 mg/L, BOD 1.6 mg/L, COD 7.99 mg/L and DO 7.845 mg/L. While the carrying capacity of pollution load river in the upstream region included in both categories namely BOD of 4.4 kg/sec, COD 273.60 kg/sec, TSS 906.00 kg/sec, and DO parameters of 49.20 kg/sec.
Middle region (point 2.3, and 4) water quality Batang Kuranji River has exceeded the quality standard of 82 / 2001 for class II and class III. Meanwhile, carrying capacity of pollution load river in the area included in the ugly category. The calculation is done with the application Qual2Kw show that the carrying capacity of pollution load river of BOD -857.3 kg/sec, COD -777.40 kg/sec, TSS +9511.5 kg/sec, and DO +69.30 kg/sec .

Downstream water quality and carrying capacity of pollution load river are included in the categories ugly that exceeds the threshold of grade IV  PP 82/2001. TSS concentration of 734 mg/L, BOD 33.185 mg/L, COD 105.39 mg/L, and DO concentration of 5.575 mg/L. While the carrying capacity of pollution load river of BOD which is -674.60 kg/sec, COD -413.00 kg/sec, TSS -13179.00 kg/sec and for the parameters of DO has exceeded the threshold of 90 kg/sec.


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