Response Several Varieties of Onion Against Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease
(Xanthomonas axonopodis pv
Zurai Resti*, Yulmira
Yanti*, dan Hairic Adi Putra**
Bacterial leaf blight disease
is an important disease in the onion crop,
the disease has spread in centra of onion production
in West Sumatra
with the attack rate reached 100% in Solok.
Until now there has been no onion varieties that
are resistant to the disease. The Research on the
response of several varieties of onion bacterial blight
disease (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv
allii = Xaa) has been done
in Alahan Panjang Solok of
West Sumatra. In this Research used seven
varieties of onion such as Bima Brebes, Maja Cipanas
, Sembrani, Katumi , and Yellow derived from Balitsa Lembang and two local varieties such as
Cirebon and Singkil Medan. Seven varieties
were planted in the area of endemic bacterial leaf blight (BLB) is in Alahan Panjang.
Observed variables were the incidence, severity,
growth and
crop yields. The results showed all
onion varieties used
in this study was attacked Xaa caused agent of BLB. No
onion varieties resistant
to Xaa.
Cirebon was varieties that have the lowest disease incidency and severitas compered than other varieties.
Yellow varieties was the highest of disease
incidancy and
severity compared
to other varieties.
word: Bacterial leaf disease, Xanthomonas
axonopodis pv allii, Onion Varieties
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