Yanti2) dan Zurai Resti2)Munzir Busniah2)
: yy_anthie@yahoo.com
The exsperiment was conducted to analysis enzyme activity of onion plant that induction with rhizoplant
indigenous bacteria to control bacterial leaf blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv allii).
The aim of the exsperiment was analyze defense enzyme activity on onion plant
that resistance to bacterial blight disease. The onions was introduction with rhizoplant
bacteria and after 14 day planting the onion plant inoculation with Xanthomonas axonopodis pv allii. Enzym activity analyze on 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10
and 25 days after inoculation. The result of the exsperiment showed that activity of 3 enzym (Perocsidase, Pholyphenol Oksidase and
Phenylalanin Lyase) was increase from 0 day
until 25 days after inoculation. Phenylalanin lyase and Polyphenol
Oksidase was the highter activity.
Key words:
Bacterial leaf blight, Rhizoplant bacteria, Xanthomonas
axonopodis pv allii,
Perocsidase, Polyphenol Oksidase,
Phenylalanine Lyase
Paper presented on semiinar
Nasional UNP at19 –20 Nov 2011
2. Lecturer on disease plant
and pest department, Faculty of Agriculture Andalas
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